ATHENS CULTURE NET: Invitation to apply for Affiliate membership
Contact: Panina Karydi,
Athens Culture Net (ACN) is the city’s first collaborative network of cultural organizations, providing a forum for arts leaders to build relationships, share resources, and develop joint programming in neighborhoods across Athens. Created by Erifili Maroniti and Fivos Sakalis in November 2016, with a founding donation from the Sravros Niarchos Foundation, ACN now boasts more than 50 prominent institutions and cultural organizations. In partnership with the Municipality of Athens, ACN’s work has highlighted the impact of the cultural sector and elevated Athens as a destination for both ancient collections and contemporary artistic practice.
In just over two years, ACN has proven to be a dynamic platform for networking and collaboration between cultural organizations – smaller and larger, public and private – and with cultural groups, municipal agencies, and artists. ACN’s accomplishments to date include:
Collaboration with documenta14 to host its four-month long exhibition in 40 sites throughout Athens
Organization of Athens 2018 World Book Capital, an UNESCO initiative, with over 600 events of this year-long celebration, including
Presentation of more than 180 lectures, performances and workshops in neighborhoods outside the city center
Reach over 480,000 event attendees
In its next phase of growth, ACN is seeking to engage organizations and collectives as Affiliates of the network to develop deeper synergies between current ACN members and smaller cultural groups. Affiliates will be collaborators on ACN initiatives, help to promote new artistic practices, and create opportunities for organizations, collectives and artists to work in Athens’ neighborhoods.
Affiliate member benefits include:
1. Introduction(s) to ACN member institutions and their programing initiatives through engagement event(s) (approximately two per year) and digital communications (e.g., ACN announcements and alerts)
2. Opportunities to contribute events and program information in Greek and English on the ACN website and in the printed cultural guide, and provide content for ACN social media channels
3. Invitation(s) to participate in:
- ACN workshops and programs such asACN Social: Digital Marketing for Cultural Organizations (May 2018)or Copyright Workshop (April 2019)
- ACN programming opportunities such as the Neighborhood Culture Program (ongoing), or Athens Culture Night (October 2018)
5. Assistance with permits and licenses for public programming from the Municipality of Athens
6. Support with the reservation of municipal spaces for cultural programming and related activities (e.g., Serafeio, Theotokopoulou House)
7. Invitation(s) to submit proposals for research and discussion around cultural policy and related issues that affect the cultural sector in Athens
In order to be an Affiliates, applicants must have:
- A 2-year history of producing, presenting or coordinating public programming in Athens
- A commitment to working in partnership with the Municipality of Athens to unify the city’s cultural experience and bring culture to all its neighborhoods
- An interest in collaboration and partnership with similar organizations and member organizations of ACN around resource-sharing and cultural programming, policy and research
- Ability to provide accurate and timely information to the ACN Team upon request, including but not limited to, events and program information for inclusion by ACN on the web and through social media channels
Application materials
Applications should be submitted via e-mail to and consist of a letter of interest with the following information:
- A brief description of the mission and history of the organization
- A brief description of the principal activities of your organization including your experience with public programming (at least 2 years required)
- A statement of your interest in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens and other cultural organizations
- A brief description of any policies, research or programming that your organization would like to explore with ACN and its membership
- A list of links to your organization’s current digital platforms including your website and social media channels
- Name and contact information for your organization’s Executive Director, President, or Chief Administrator including address, email and telephone number