Μay 2023
Gallery Walk – an acquaintance with contemporary visual artists of Athens and their work
Tuesday, May 2
• Ersi Gallery
Ώρα: 19.00
Μeτάβαsη, Michalis Papadopoulos
The architect and artist Michalis Papadopoulos will exhibit his latest paintings with acrylics on canvas. Papadopoulos depicts aspects of the natural environment, such as tree trunks, gardens with dense vegetation and forests. The rich, Edenic flora emerges under the Mediterranean sunlight. The artist composes his landscapes with vivid colors in post-impressionist style initiating into a dreamlike interpretation of reality. The exhibition is accompanied by an illustrated catalog.
Wednesday, May 3
• Dio Horia
Histonas (Room of Webs) , Iliodora Margellos
While in Classical Greece, women used to spend most of the day in the gynaikon, the women’s quarters of the house located on an upper floor, where mothers raised their children and engaged in spinning thread and weaving, IliodoraMargellos revisits history and places this private space at DioHoria Acropolis Annex, located at the lower level of the gallery.
Address: Lempesi 5-7, Porinou 16, Athina 117 42 5.
• Kappatos Gallery
17·00- 20·00
Ah, Vassilis Salpistis
Animals and statues, masked disciples, a boy growing up, a Greek sacrifice and warlike ornamentation in menswear. Paintings covered in charcoal and redrawn, the field of an unfinished archaeological excavation and an exercise in memory that, by erasing, brings out the colours and forms in sections, like densely written notes in the shadow of a cinematic eclipse or a reflection on a dark screen.
Address: Athinas 12, Monastiraki, Athens 10554
Thursday, May 4
• Kappatos Gallery
17·00- 20·00
Ah, Βασίλης Σαλπιστής /VassilisSalpistis
Animals and statues, masked disciples, a boy growing up, a Greek sacrifice and warlike ornamentation in menswear. Paintings covered in charcoal and redrawn, the field of an unfinished archaeological excavation and an exercise in memory that, by erasing, brings out the colours and forms in sections, like densely written notes in the shadow of a cinematic eclipse or a reflection on a dark screen.
Address: Athinas 12, Monastiraki, Athens 10554
• Art Appel Gallery
Love. The opposite of Fascism, Christina Papatoli
It was an ancient Roman emblem depicting fascis (fascismo) parcels around an ax. They were still. Dead like! We are opposite, we are overtaking.. Love or fascism, the second group exhibition with the crew of Elli Griva.
I was born in 1978. I broke five strollers by the time I walked. I don't want to be still. That's why I paint.
Address: Neofitou Vamva 5, Kolonaki, Athens
Friday, May 5
• Kappatos Gallery
17·00- 20·00
Ah, VassilisSalpistis
Animals and statues, masked disciples, a boy growing up, a Greek sacrifice, and warlike ornamentation in menswear. Paintings covered in charcoal and redrawn, the field of an unfinished archaeological excavation and an exercise in memory that, by erasing, brings out the colors and forms in sections, like densely written notes in the shadow of a cinematic eclipse or a reflection on a dark screen.
Address : Athinas 12, Monastiraki, Athens 10554
• Crux Galerie
17.00 – 21.00
The future doesn't exist but I love you so much, Denys Shantar
Denys Shantar presents a series of textile works on and drawings on paper. With his flags that demonstrate contemporary human desires and needs as well as with his costumes made of traditional household objects and fabrics, he shows the juxtaposition of his Ukrainian heritage and his contemporary life. His drawings are inspired by queer Greek mythology, following heroes who were lovers of gods such as Hyacinth, Cyparissus and Crocus, and who after their deaths were turned into flowers.
Address: 4th Sekeri street, Kolonaki
Saturday, May 6
• CITRONNE Gallery
11.00 – 15.00
Orbital Objects, Pantelis Chandris
In his solo exhibition Orbital Objects Pantelis Chandris creates a visual narrative, an unexpected world, one of contrasts and references that exists associatively. In "Orbital Objects", Pantelis Chandris produces an installation that is the reflection of a universal reference. It is a visual Cosmos, in the earliest interpretation of the term; in other words, it is a Universe in which an oceanic feeling wanders, the awe of the unknown, the infinite and the inconceivable. The works, therefore, are part of an orbit; a movement that neutralises time and renegotiates the meaning of the present. The artist defines it as an "atypical planetary garden", where sculptures and paintings act as rotating objects.
Address : Patriarchou Ioakim 19, Athens
• Sianti Gallery
Konstantinos Tolis
Address: 2 Vas. Alexandrou, behind the National Gallery
• Kappatos Gallery
Ah, Vassilis Salpistis
Animals and statues, masked disciples, a boy growing up, a Greek sacrifice and warlike ornamentation in menswear. Paintings covered in charcoal and redrawn, the field of an unfinished archaeological excavation and an exercise in memory that, by erasing, brings out the colours and forms in sections, like densely written notes in the shadow of a cinematic eclipse or a reflection on a dark screen.
Address : Athinas 12, Monastiraki, Athens 10554
• Kalfayan Galleries
13.00 - 14.00
'Wish’, Karolina Krasouli
The exhibition of Karolina Krasouli at Kalfayan Galleries continues the artist's research on the representation of visual phenomena, which are connected to the mechanisms of memory and language. Her new works capture the multi-layered symbolism of a 'wish', and at the same time are 'open' to interpretation. Krasouli's 'wishes' sometimes take the form of drawings with colored pencils on paper, while in other cases they are expressed through stitched canvases. Through a process of reading and writing, the artist uncovers a set of mechanisms where meanings and sensations are "rewritten" with the aim to invent a new language between abstraction and representation.
Address: Haritos 11, Kolonaki, Athens.
Tuesday, May 9
• Techonohoros art gallery
17.30 – 20.30
Hidden Paradise, Janet Liodaki
Nature, so rich and endless, still surprises the painter with every glance. In the effort to render this surprise, these works are born and pulsate with vitality and rhythm, with movement and explosive expression. The great microcosm of the Cretan "longos" is still here, caressing the soles, an invitation for lonely walks to those who know how not to pass.
Address: Lembessi 12, Acropolis
Thursday, May 11
• Techonohoros art gallery
17.30 – 22.30/ Grand opening
Hidden Paradise, Janet Liodaki
Nature, so rich and endless, still surprises the painter with every glance. In the effort to render this surprise, these works are born and pulsate with vitality and rhythm, with movement and explosive expression. The great microcosm of the Cretan "longos" is still here, caressing the soles, an invitation for lonely walks to those who know how not to pass.
Address: Lembessi 12, Acropolis
• Evripides Art Gallery
''In medias res'', Christos Pallantzas
The exhibition visitor will have the opportunity to travel through landscapes that exude a peculiar romance and eroticism, as they become an ''ode'' to the most sacred moment for the painter, that of creation. It is the time when the day leaves to give way to the night.
The artist's arsenal is memory and emotion as well as his ability to trace and understand all the light and darkness of the human soul. Christos Pallantza's artworks reflect his interest in making the invisible visible. The artists' goal is the revelation of the inner side of things, the revelation of truth, not becoming, but being.
Address: Irakleitou 10 & Skoufa, Kolonaki
• Art Zone 42 Athens
"Exploration", Areti Kloutsinioti
The style of Areti Kloutsiniotiis characteristic, in her «Exploration» the compositions are phantasmagoric with many bright colors and the shapes of humans, animals and plants maintain their realism, even though they twist and twirl in abstract, universal places.
Address: 42 Vassileos Konstantinou Ave., Athens
Friday, May 12
• Techonohoros art gallery
17.30 – 20.30
Hidden Paradise, Janet Liodaki
Nature, so rich and endless, still surprises the painter with every glance. In the effort to render this surprise, these works are born and pulsate with vitality and rhythm, with movement and explosive expression. The great microcosm of the Cretan "longos" is still here, caressing the soles, an invitation for lonely walks to those who know how not to pass.
Address: Lembessi 12, Acropolis
• Αrtshot - SophiaGaitani
18·00- 20·00
George Feretos, Through the animal’s gaze
In the presented section, George Feretos, through an amazingly masterful design, brings to us -one by one - a group of domestic animals to the forefront of viewing. Through their position in the visual field, and furthermore through their posture and expressiveness, these animals disarm us. Our gaze is focused on their gaze, on their innocence and inner fear, on their caution and the acceptance of their infallible instincts. We identify with the unconditional trust with which one feels that they are addressing us, even though their gaze does not hide the existing and emerging suspicions about their imminent execution.
Address: Lembessi 11, Acropolis
• ekfrasi – yianna grammatopoulou
17.00 – 20.00
Back to the fields, Giannis Kastritsis
The artist presents a painting-sculpture environment, where the mixed media paintings come into conversation with a large herd of clay animals. Kastritsis uses the symbolic title "Back to the fields" to make a comment on the distancing of modern human from the natural environment and his alienation from the experiential perception of nature.
Address: 9a Valaoritou str, Athens
• Evripides Art Gallery
''In medias res'', Christos Pallantzas
The exhibition visitor will have the opportunity to travel through landscapes that exude a peculiar romance and eroticism, as they become an ''ode'' to the most sacred moment for the painter, that of creation. It is the time when the day leaves to give way to the night.
The artist's arsenal is memory and emotion as well as his ability to trace and understand all the light and darkness of the human soul. Christos Pallantza's artworks reflect his interest in making the invisible visible. The artists' goal is the revelation of the inner side of things, the revelation of truth, not becoming, but being.
Address: Irakleitou 10 & Skoufa, Kolonaki
• Alibi Gallery
Friends, αυτός ο άγνωστος εγώ.
Γίνε φίλος με τον εαυτόν σου.
Πώς; Απαρνήσου τον. Ξέχασέ τον. Μια καινούργια Αρχή. Ανακάλυψε τον.
Ώστε, να μπορέσεις να φιλιώσεις μαζί του.
Οitsmi,στην καινούργια ενότητα έργων του, με τίτλο “Friends”, δημιουργεί έναν προσωπικό εικαστικό κόσμο, όπου η ζωγραφική εμπεριέχεται στην γλυπτική, η γλυπτική στις εγκαταστάσεις και τα μικροαντικείμενα, με το σχέδιο να επικαλύπτει όλα τα προηγούμενα.
Διεύθυνση: Σαρρή 12, Αθήνα
·• agathi kartalos art gallery
Leonidas Giannakopoulos
Leonidas Giannakopoulos was born in Chania-Crete in Greece. He studied painting and printmaking at the school of fine arts of Athens and graduated in 2011 with a degree on printmaking.
He has presented two solo shows
In Athens ( elika gallery 2012,agathi gallery-Art Athina fair 2017)
And participated in group exhibitions and art fairs in Greece and abroad.(Drawing now Paris, Art Athina, super market art fair Stockholm, Remap).
Over the last years he has been commissioned to paint several murals for municipalities , festivals, public buildings, private companies In Greece and Belgium. He lives and works in Athens
Marina Krontira
Tasos Missouras
Phillipos Fotiadis
Philippos Photiadis is a greek architect, artist, Illustrator and children's book writer. He studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He is a founding member of the creative office 'we design', a multipurpose design studio based in Athens.
Address: Mithimnis 12 & Eptanisou
Saturday, May 13
Michalis Katzourakis - Windows 200 (5.5.2023 - 3.6.2023)
Address: 5 Roma Str., 106 73, Athens
• Αrtshot - SophiaGaitani
George Feretos, Through the animal’s gaze
In the presented section, George Feretos, through an amazingly masterful design, brings to us -one by one - a group of domestic animals to the forefront of viewing. Through their position in the visual field, and furthermore through their posture and expressiveness, these animals disarm us. Our gaze is focused on their gaze, on their innocence and inner fear, on their caution and the acceptance of their infallible instincts. We identify with the unconditional trust with which one feels that they are addressing us, even though their gaze does not hide the existing and emerging suspicions about their imminent execution.
Address: Lembessi 11, Acropolis
• a.antonopoulou.art
Erosions, Valerios Caloutsis
Valerios Caloutsis (1927-2014) worked on " Erosions" from 1987 to 2010. From the fantastic landscapes he created in the first half of the '80s, where he combines photography with collage and drawing, he has moved on to works that have volume and depth. These works refer to detached rocks, landslides, ravines and burnt landscapes. This three-dimensional painting – the press of the time characterized it as "mineral" or "constructive" – showed a nature that is being destroyed.
Address: 20 Aristophanous, Athens
• Batagianni Gallery
Dialoquein Clay, Group show
G.Alexandridis,V.Kasara,D.Klagou,K.Kantartzis, Marta Castelo, Virginia Frois
Historically, the main representative source of information have been objects of common use, whose cultural expression is less conscious and more honest, through what society produces. Pottery is a huge part of material culture and has provided important insight into the culture of people of every era through form, iconography and material use.
Address: Antinoros 17
• Evripides Art Gallery
''In medias res'', Christos Pallantzas
The exhibition visitor will have the opportunity to travel through landscapes that exude a peculiar romance and eroticism, as they become an ''ode'' to the most sacred moment for the painter, that of creation. It is the time when the day leaves to give way to the night.
The artist's arsenal is memory and emotion as well as his ability to trace and understand all the light and darkness of the human soul. Christos Pallantza's artworks reflect his interest in making the invisible visible. The artists' goal is the revelation of the inner side of things, the revelation of truth, not becoming, but being.
Address: Irakleitou 10 & Skoufa, Kolonaki
Tuesday, May 16
Paratheses, Maria Vlandi
In this exhibition I present two vertebral sculptural compositions made of clay. These vertebrae refer to remains of civilizations, that are usually found unused and abandoned in the environment. I reposition and recompose these remains, creating installations with clear references to the past, which through my perspective gain a new contemporary dimension expressing my position on modern life.
Address: Ypsilantou 24, Kolonaki
Thursday, May 18
• Zoumboulakis Galleries
11 Women Artists United for Children
Group Show
Alexandra Athanassiades, Katerina Zacharopoulou, Nikomachi Karakostanoglou, Marina Karella, Peggy Kliafa, Nina Papaconstantinou, Elpi Saranti, Christiana Soulou, Sofia Stevi, CHRYSSA, Farida El Gazzar.
Zoumboulakis Galleries presents the collective exhibition "11 Women Artists United for Children", in support of Eliza – Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
On the increased numbers of incidents of domestic violence, including extreme neglect, physical and sexual abuse of children, in recent years in Greece, Zoumboulakis Galleries joins forces with Eliza Society to raise public awareness and contribute to Eliza's aim to educate professionals who work with children, so as to detect and identify cases of suspected child abuse. More specifically, the exhibition "11 Women Artists United for Children" supports Eliza's initiative to create a National Training and Empowerment Program for Preschool Teachers for the prevention of child abuse.
Address: 20 Kolonaki Square
• Rebecca Camhi gallery
‘Meteorology of the World’
Zisis Bliatkas
Zisis Bliatkas' world is a rural one. The countryside is the space where he encounters his subjects, and as a result, his paintings are mostly set in expansive outdoor spaces. He focuses on the landscape around him, the scenery and land which is arable. There, the artist is inspired by humble structures (kites, solar water heaters, wooden constructions). Despite their precarious form, they are functional structures through which one can visit another dimension. The abstract nature of the painted surface keeps things in suspension, which in turn becomes the medium through which personal myths are given form.
Alongside the rural thematic of the works, Bliatkas is inspired by outdated computer programmes and games. The electric glow of the screen, video games, the DIY telecommunication and the water supply networks, are some of the themes which inspire the series of works that are presented in the gallery.
Address: Leonidou 9, Metaxourgio
Thursday, May 25
The Asian Minor women Using as a reference the historical event of the Asia Minor disaster and with focus on the refugee crisis as a timeless reality, here, are presented three dominant and emblematic elements: Woman as primary motive and symbol of culture - its birth and maintenance, the opposite shore as an unquenchable nostos and, finally, the paths of the unknown as a course for a pseudo-inscribed "Ithaca".
Address: Neofitou Douka 5, Kolonaki
• Gallery 7
ANIMALIA The after effect of a performance
- Visual artists.Stavropoulou&N.Kanoglou are going to work together in Gallery 7 in a few minutes live performance drawing mythological creatures from several periods such as Prehistory, Ancient Babylon, Minoan Crete, Homeric Ages, Asian folklore .Creatures come alive through drawing and reconstitute themselves to the public on a piece of paper 6 meters long ,with the participation of the music band Incirrina. The whole project will rise up through arranging the artwork in situ,in Gallery 7 where the public will have the chance to observe the result of the performance.
Address: 20 Solonos, Athens
• Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center
18.00 – 20.00
Exercises in Tail Autotomy, Eugenia Apostolou
In her recent work Eugenia Apostolou recycles the rubble derived from destroyed previous works. She selects the pieces and rebuilds them in a new situation with the use of gauze that withholds the smashed matter. The result is a continuous flux of matter that creates a three dimensional effect. Even though the works evolve within the limits of the canvas they acquire sculptural form.
Address: Armatolon & Klefton Street, Athens
«METALLAXIS», Christina Evdokia Kalogeropoulou
The exhibition "METALLAXIS" transports us to a dimension where the physical and imaginary worlds collide, giving birth to eerie yet familiar metallic creatures. Beyond our physical realm and at the same time closely connected to our reality, they enter consciousness and reflect our fears, hopes and dreams, in a constant effort to manage the painful experience and understand the cycle of our perishable existence.
Address: Irodotou 5, Athens
Saturday, May 27
• Athens Art Gallery
12.00 – 14.00
Painting, Stefanos Zannis
Through a series of works, acrylic on canvas, based on personal experiences and from places he has visited, the artist seeks and projects the element of silent joy in things. Since the end of October 2021 he was in Rafina Marikes almost daily, painting versions of the beach and the people, seeing, breathing and feeling, and continued the same process in the winter in the landscapes of the city.
Address: 4, Glykonos Str, Dexameni Sqr
Nikos Angelidis’ new exhibition comprises of27 artworks, which he created since 2018. Seven years after his previous show at Skoufa Gallery, Angelidis’ work is still defined by askilled, realistic depiction ofdreamy scenes, a love for the detail and an absence of anylinear or atmospheric perspective. In these new artworks, narration is exceeded by a deep personal humor, expressed by riddles and puzzles. His mixed media constructions are in concurrence with his paintings, becoming 3-dimensional toys of his pictorial visions.
Address: 4 Skoufa STR., Kolonaki