The Foundation of the Greek Parliament for Parliamentarism and Democracy, in collaboration with the Municipality of Delphi, presents the exhibition "Greek Parliament. The stations of a journey of almost two hundred years "in Kyriakopouleio - Iliopouleio Cultural Center of Itea.
1 August, 2021 to 30 September, 2021
The historical path of two centuries of parliamentary life, the electoral contests and the work of the members of the Parliament, come to life through the rich iconographic material and the items of the exhibition.
1st of August 2021 - 12th of September 2021 Wednesday 10: 00-14: 00 / Thursday - Friday - Saturday 18: 00-21: 00 / Sunday 11: 00-14: 00 13 - 30 September 2021 by telephone appointment (tel: 2265 351121)
Free Entrance