Proin ac nibh semper, pretium nisl sed, hendrerit leo

Proin ac nibh semper, pretium nisl sed, hendrerit leo

Aliquam tincidunt nisl vel nibh accumsan, eu porttitor leo blandit. Donec aliquet lorem a nisl luctus sollicitudin. Etiam purus nisi, tincidunt sit amet gravida vel, consequat sed metus. Praesent molestie dolor quis nulla dictum faucibus. Proin ac nibh semper, pretium nisl sed, hendrerit leo. Proin nec tincidunt ante. Aliquam sed sodales justo. Fusce luctus, mauris non semper dignissim, risus enim venenatis erat, convallis congue nunc est vulputate urna. Cras dictum tincidunt eleifend. Integer purus sapien, consequat id risus vitae, rutrum elementum felis.


Athens School of fine Arts (ASFA)

The history of ASFA, which was founded in 1836, virtually coincides with the history of the modern Greek state. Throughout its long history, legendary and leading Greek artists representing many tendencies of fine arts, left their mark as members of the School’s teaching staff, thereby building the prestigious name of ASFA. Respectively, in the consciousness of the Greek citizens, the history of Modern Greek Art is attributed to ASFA.

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